Wasting Time Weblog


barusan buka blog ini lagi setelah sekian lama.

awalnya seneng, jadi inget masa sma, tapi jadi kangen 😥

trus baca post yang gw tulis, lalu……………

ALAY!!!!!!! tulisan macem apa itu?! kenapa disingkat-singkat gak jelas!!! trus nulis “ini” jadi “nie”, “deh” jadi “dech” dan dan dan………..


tapi gw masih bersyukur gak nulis pake tulisan yang gak konsisten mau pake huruf gede apa huruf kecil.

SyUkuR DeCh  xp

semoga ditahun-tahun berikutnya, ketika gw baca postan ini, gw gak menemukan ke-alay-an yang membuat gw malu kayak sekarang,.

Amin Ya Allah….


KANGEN SMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

huwahuwhauhwuahuwhauwhuahwuahu 😥

fashion mnurut zodiak


Arians are trendsetters in fashion and clothing. They have a good taste but can sometimes look ridiculous with their wears .They have liking for sexy and bold styles to draw attention towards them. For men, narrow trousers with traditional white shirt with cufflings would certainly look great and can boost their confidence. For women, the most modern look would be knee length shirt or black tight trousers with well-fitted shirt.Clothes which allow you the freedom to pursue your own plans with a no nonsense style that allow you freedom of movement on the beach or in the boardroom work for you. You look good in shapes that are sharply defined such as pleats and padded shoulders which show you mean business and your starsign colours are white and red.


Taureans buy the most expensive designer clothes but would still hang on their old clothes. Taureans generally have a muscular build. Men appreciate the subtelties of formal wear.They certainly look handsome in single breashed suit.Beige, Browns and pastel shades will suit there temperament. Women should avoid skimpy shirts and go for streamlined and sleek dresses. Traditional dresses with earthy prints look the best on them. They should avoid wearing extra large clothes in an effort to look lean.

Your clothes must feel comfortable and feminine but they must also be appropriate for whatever role you are playing when wearing them. Combining function with comfort and femininity makes you feel relaxed whether at work or play. Your shape is soft and feminine and your starsign colours are red lemon mix, blues and pinks.


Gemini’s dress up with no fuss.Flirtatious Gemini’s do not need clothes to make a statement. Men like a contemporary twist to tradition. For casual wear, cotton pants and T-shirts is recommended which they can wear throughout the day with ease. For women, sleek lycra dress is ideal.You like to be free to move around and will feel most comfortable in clothes that enable you to move from one role to another and which adapt well to any situation. They need to be versatile and cheerful with a light, bright and youthful look. Your shape is smart but loose and adaptable and your starsign colours are red/white mix but also multicoloured patterns.


Cancerians dress up according to their moods. They may fancy some item of cloth once but with the changing phase of the moon their choice and liking may shift too. In a melancholy mood they may dress up in absolute colors like black or white and the same Cancerians would like to go for bright colors when in a lighter mood. Men may feel comfortable in denim jeans and cotton shirt for informal wears. For women the main aim would be to create magic by blending fabrics like silk and cotton. They can accentuate the various fabrics with embroidery work or motifs.Your style is a study in harmony which signals that you possess subtle knowledge about the art of dressing well. Up to date on all the latest fashion knowledge you can carefully create a look which sets you apart from others as a master of style. Your shape is soft, smart and conventional and your starsign colours are lilac blue, silver, green or russet.


Leos lives in style and wears clothes well-cut elegant and demanding attention. If and when they want they will dress up meticulously neat and other times exasperately sloppy. For men, the silk shirt and tie with single breasted suit reflect elegance for formal wears. Silk suits them the best. For women, Cargo pants/Capris with tight top to match would do better. Hand-painted fabrics with bold and vibrant colors for formal wears would make them standout from the rest of the crowd. Your style has a regal air about it and it makes an immediate impact which is inspiring to yourself and to others. It communicates confidence, serenity and bearing. Your shape is striking, angular and flowing, helping to enhance that wonderful natural royal quality you possess and your starsign colours are golden or red.


Virgos are quick to spot with that prim and proper look. They wear the most revealing clothes or daring clothes and can look sensational even in casuals.For men, button down collar shirt with black tie would make most women weak in legs. For women, sleek matching pant suit would would look fantastic.The purity and sacredness of white colour add appeal to their virginal looks. Intricate handpainted designs and delicate embroidery work on dresses make them look sensational.They should avoid wearing huge or junk pieces of jewellery.Style to you is captured in the fine details of a garment and how it is created. Perfection is an important goal so finding clothes with the right hemline, flawless seams and perfectly matched patterns is vital to your feel good, look good factor. You shape is functional and conservative and your starsign colours are natural green, blue/black, grey and brown


Librans are beauty conscious.Men and women both can look totally sexy and alluring in most of the dresses. Men like to follow a dress code according to the occasion.Men look handsome and charming in Nehru jacket with silk shawl as much as they look in black evening suit. They always follow contemporary fashion designs effortlessly. Women should mix the most delicate pastels pinks and blues with sleek black and grey. Hispers and long dresses look chic too. Harmony in appearance is your keynote. You search for a style which can teach others ways of achieving balance. Pleasing and attractive lines which bring beauty into your environment bring out the best in you. Your shape is soft and flowing and your starsign colours are light to mid-blue, dark rose and black.


Scorpios are the sexiest of all the zodiac sign.They like to show-off their intense and passionate nature through their clothes too. Men would like to wear tight T-shirts with jeans to show-off their masculinity. Italian long black suits look great on them. Women look ravishing in velvet or crepe dresses and for that stunning looks they might go for wine or black colour. Sloppy and loose shirts are to be avoided . If they want to be little adventurus can go for strapless dresses. Your clothes must convey your magnetic personality to the world displaying its potency quietly but effectively. Your style should suggest an air of brooding sexuality and convey that you are force to be reckoned with. Your shape is subtle and potent through long sweeping lines created by cloaks and slinky silhouettes and your starsign colours are deep red, black and dark browns.


The fiercely independent sagittarius men don’t follow fashion but try to create their own style and sometimes it can be a big flop too. They can give contemporary twist to traditional designs and this would enable them to be adventurous too. They are always experimental. For women delicate shades of beige and yellow would bring that golden sunkissed glow to their face. The khaki-coloured shirts, sweaters or pants ranging from cream colour to deepest summer tan would definitely look flattering on them.Elegant lines and a look that does not damage while travelling is essential to your sense of well being and style. Your clothes should allow you move freely and, like you, they should travel well which means they should look good whether they are straight out of the suitcase or off the hanger. Your shape is created from slender, long lines and your starsign colours are purple, deep blue, olive or light green


Capricorns like to dress casually unless they have to step in to the spot light .They do not allocate much time for improving their physical appereance. For men, casual jeans with cotton T-shirt must be an all time favourite .At the most they would replace jeans with cotton pants.In black suit tie and with that devil-may-care attitude they look unusally attrative that some women may find difficult to resist. Capricorn women may like vegetable colors and hand blockprint designs. They can try classical and sophisticated styles for romantic evenings. The classic black dress could be the perfect signature for the Capricorn style. Your style should suggest simplicity and dignity combined with timelessness and perfectly reflect the sense of the occasion. Your shape is smooth, artistic but conservative and your starsign colours are dark colours, charcoal grey, black or dark brown.


Aquarians like to dress unconventionally for that shock value.They were made for blue blazers and gray pants & they look handsome too. Women should not go for too light or clinging dress. Long single color dresses with sequin work can be worn for that stunning look. Women may favour geometric and asymmetric cuts. They look beautiful in dark colors like black, wine or violet.You seek the unusual in fashion and want to make this the keynote of your style, drawing on the ideas of any culture or part of the world to achieve your individual look. You can be surprising or shocking but you are never dull! Your shape is unconventional, ingenious in effect and your starsign colours are sky or electric blue and vivid colours in general.


Pisceans are simple and their clothes reflect their personality . Clothes are the extension of their sensitive and compassionate soul. They are unfettered by the latest fashion trends. Men may find the old faithful denim the ultimate in wearability. For formal wear both traditional and contemporary look is advised . For women, the colors are delicate shades of salman, turquoise, blue or green . The silk polyester blended jackets with classic cuts or kurtas/gowns in fluid shapes look bewitching on them .The focal point of fashion may be scarves or handbags.Your style is created by clothes which mirror and reflect any setting in which you find yourself, having a subtle, changing quality about them so that they can easily be adapted for stylish wear any time of the day or night. Your shape is created from fluid lines and your starsign colours are glistening shades, white/silver, green, purple, cream and rich, deep and reflective metallic, silken or velvet blacks

Top reasons why ladies today are still SINGLE…

1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual
men are married.

5. The men who are not so handsome,
but are nice men, have no money.

6. The men who are not so handsome,
but are nice men with money think we
are only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are
after our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so
nice and somewhat heterosexual, don’t
think we are beautiful enough.

9. The men who think we are beautiful,
that are heterosexual, somewhat
nice and have money, are cowards.

10. The men who are somewhat
handsome,somewhat nice and have some
and thank God are heterosexual, are

11. The men who never make the first
move, automatically lose interest in
us when we take the initiative.


“Men are like a fine wine. They all
start out like grapes, and it’s our
job to stomp on them and keep them in
the dark until they mature into
something you’d like to have dinner

golongan darah

Golongan Darah: A, B, O, AB

Di Jepang, ramalan ttg seseorang lebih ditentukan oleh golongan darah
daripada zodiak atau shio. Kenapa? Katanya, golongan darah itu ditentukan
oleh protein-protein tertentu yang membangun semua sel di tubuh kita dan
oleh karenanya juga menentukan psikologi kita. Benar apa tidak?


terorganisir, konsisten, jiwa kerja-sama tinggi, tapi selalu cemas (krn
perfeksionis) yg kadang bikin org mudah sebel, kecenderungan politik:

nyantai, easy going, bebas, dan paling menikmati hidup, kecenderungan
politik: “sinistra”

berjiwa besar, supel, gak mau ngalah, alergi pada yg detil, kecenderungan
politik: “centro”

unik, nyleneh, banyak akal, berkepribadian ganda, kecenderungan politik


Yg paling gampang ngaret soal waktu
1 B (krn nyantai terus)
2 O (krn flamboyan)
3 AB (krn gampang ganti program)
4 A (krn gagal dalam disiplin)

Yg paling susah mentolerir kesalahan org :
1 A (krn perfeksionis dan narsismenya terlalu besar)
2 B (krn easy going tapi juga easy judging)
3 AB (krn asal beda)
4 O (easy judging tapi juga easy pardoning)

Yg paling bisa dipercaya :
1 A (krn konsisten dan taat hukum)
2 O (demi menjaga balance)
3 B (demi menjaga kenikmatan hidup)
4 AB (mudah ganti frame of reference)

Yg paling disukai utk jadi teman :
1 O (orangnya sportif)
2 A (selalu on time dan persis)
3 AB (kreatif)
4 B (tergantung mood)

Kebalikannya, teman yg paling disebelin/tidak disukai:
1 B (egois, easy come easy go, maunya sendiri)
2 AB (double standard)
3 A (terlalu taat dan scrupulous)
4 O (sulit mengalah)


Yg paling mudah kesasar/tersesat
1 B
2 A
3 O
4 AB

Yg paling banyak meraih medali di olimpiade olah raga:
1 O (jago olah raga)
2 A (persis dan matematis)
3 B (tak terpengaruh pressure dari sekitar. Hampir seluruh atlet judo,
renang dan gulat jepang bergoldar B)
4 AB (alergi pada setiap jenis olah raga)

Yg paling banyak jadi direktur dan pemimpin
1 O (krn berjiwa leadership dan problem-solver)
2 A (krn berpribadi “minute” dan teliti)
3 B (krn sensitif dan mudah ambil keputusan)
4 AB (krn kreatif dan suka ambil resiko)

Yg jadi PM jepang rata2 bergolongan darah
1 O (berjiwa pemimpin)

Mahasiswa Tokyo Univ pada umumnya bergol darah : B

Yg paling gampang nabung :
1 A (suka menghitung bunga bank)
2 O (suka melihat prospek)
3 AB (menabung krn punya proyek)
4 B (baru menabung kalau punya uang banyak)

Yg paling kuat ingatannya

1 O
2 AB
3 A
4 B

Yg paling cocok jadi MC :
1 A (kaya planner berjalan)


Yg paling panjang umur :

1 O (gak gampang stress, antibodynya paling joss!)
2 A (hidup teratur)
3 B (mudah cari kompensasi stress)
4 AB (amburadul)

Yg paling gampang gendut
1 O (nafsu makan besar, makannya cepet lagi)
2 B (makannya lama, nambah terus, dan lagi suka makanan enak)
3 A (hanya makan apa yg ada di piring, terpengaruh program diet)
4 AB (Makan tergantung mood, mudah kena anoressia)

Paling gampang digigit nyamuk :
O (darahnya manis)

Yg paling gampang flu/demam/batuk/pilek
1 A (lemah terhadap virus dan pernyakit menular)
2 AB (lemah thd hygiene)
3 O (makan apa saja enak atau nggak enak)
4 B (makan, tidur nggak teratur)

Apa yg dibuat pada acara makan2 di sebuah pesta :
O (banyak ngambil protein hewani, pokoknya daging2an)

A (ngambil yg berimbang. 4 sehat 5 sempurna)

B (suka ambil makanan yg banyak kandungan airnya spt soup, soto, bakso dsb)
AB (hobby mencicipi semua masakan, “aji mumpung”)

Yg paling cepat botak :
1 O
2 B
3 A
4 AB

Yg tidurnya paling nyenyak dan susah dibangunin :
1 B (tetap mendengkur meski ada Tsunami)
2 AB (jika lagi mood, sleeping is everything)
3 A (tidur harus 8 jam sehari, sesuai hukum)
4 O (baru tidur kalau benar2 capek dan membutuhkan)

Yg paling cepet tertidur
1 B (paling mudah ngantuk, bahkan sambil berdiripun bisa tertidur)

2 O (Kalau lagi capek dan gak ada kerjaan mudah ken ngantuk)
3 AB (tergantung kehendak)
4 A (tergantung aturan dan orario)

Penyakit yg mudah menyerang :
A (stress, majenun/linglung)
B (lemah terhadap virus influenza, paru-paru)

O (gangguan pencernaan dan mudah kena sakit perut)

AB (kanker dan serangan jantung, mudah kaget)

Apa yg perlu dianjurkan agar tetap sehat :
A (Krn terlalu perfeksionis maka nyantailah sekali-kali, gak usah terlalu
tegang dan serius)

B (Krn terlalu susah berkonsentrasi, sekali-kali perlu serius sedikit,
meditasi, main catur)

O (Krn daya konsentrasi tinggi, maka perlu juga mengobrol santai,
AB (Krn gampang capek, maka perlu cari kegiatan yg menyenangkan dan bikin

Yg paling sering kecelakaan lalu lintas (berdasarkan data kepolisian)

1 A
2 B
3 O
4 AB


ini beberapa web yg gw suka dan agak suka


dsini kita bsa nonton video apa aja…

tapi gak bsa download disini


suka banget sama website ini,, karena disini bisa download apapun, komik, musik, games, video, e-book, dll


baru tau dari zie.. yah, tapi bagus kok..

baru buka gamenya doang


dress up games.. maennya cuma ngedandanin cewe yg mo pergi sama temennya

Tugas film pkn


ibu itu ngasih tugas nganeh2 aja,,

mana susah lagi, yah moga2 cpet selesai deh n hasilnya bagus..

chaa yooo….. >_<

yg semangat ya bwt para pengurus film nih …

trus bwt para pemeran,, yg bagus ya maennya dina doain moga2 hasilnya bagus…

nb : sorry yah dina gak bantu apa2 bwt bikin film ini

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